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The Rowans AP Academy

Inspiring change for a brighter future

“What a difference your students have made already”

That was the view of the Headteacher at Hempstead Infant School, who was full of praise for our Life Skills pupils

As part of their work in the community, our Life Skills pupils went to Hempstead Infants School. Our pupils were working towards making the best of the environment for their young people. 

In this first phase, they cleared the area, and will now plan what to do with the quad for the school’s Year One children. 

The headteacher at Hempstead Infants, Kate Dadd, said: “What a difference your students have made already. I can’t believe you have managed to do so much so quickly!. This is an amazing space that we can now think about using”

Well done to Sean D, Sean S, Josh, Alfie and Laurence for their hard work!

To find out more about what our Life Skills pupils get up to, select the Life Skills subject page on our website!